1. Credit Recovery Summer School (275)
    1. M1 – Initialize on 6/19/2017 in the afternoon.
    2. M4 – Initialize on 6/26/2017 in the afternoon.
    3. M5 – Initialize on 7/10/2017 in the afternoon.
    4. M8 – Initialize on 7/18/2017 in the afternoon.
  2. AAA Summer School (95)
    1. M1 – Initialize on 6/19/2017 in the afternoon.
    2. M4 – Initialize on 6/27/2017 in the afternoon.
    3. M5 – Initialize on 7/10/2017 in the afternoon.
    4. M8 – Initialize on 7/18/2017 in the afternoon.
  3. Initializing the Grading Cycle
    1. Log into Aeries Web
    2. Navigate to Grade Reporting>Functions>Initialize New Grade Reporting Cycle
    3. https://aeries.redlandsusd.net/Aeries.net/InitializeNewGradeReportingCycle.aspx
    4. Choose the
      1. “3rd Quarter/Trimester” for M1 and M4
      2. “4th Quarter/Trimester” for M5 and M8
      3. “22 Students Per Page”
      4. Show Absences
      5. Show Tardies
      6. Use Course Attendance instead of current sections (If this is not selected, dropped students will not receive the W or WF.  If checked, dropped students will be added and the teachers must give them a W or WF.  Make sure the teachers know what to give these students.)
      7. Initialize the correct Mark (See #1 and #2 Above)
      8. Click on Initialize GRD Table. (A note above the bottom will let you know which mark was initialized last.)
      9. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rk8ydbto2pwh5i2/160614-SummerSchoolGRD.mp4?dl=0
      10. Teachers can now enter grades during the window.
      11. You can choose the “Update Grade History (GRH) when initializing M4,M5, and M8 or you can do it here: https://aeries.redlandsusd.net/aeries.net/CopyGradesToGRH.aspx
  4. To print Report Cards:
    1. https://aeries.redlandsusd.net/aeries.net/RunReport.aspx?rptname=PrintGradeReportCards
    2. Choose the appropriate settings you would like and select the students on the right.