When sending messages home via the ParentLink system, you will have two options for phone calls.
You can send to the Students or the Parents.
To Students: Ex. "1st Grade Students"
To Parents: Ex. "Parents of 1st Grade Students"
What is the difference?
In Aeries Demographics, every student has a Primary Telephone (STU.TL). When you send the message to the "1st Grade Students", you are sending the call to their Primary Telephone number (STU.TL).
In Aeries Contacts, every student may or may not have a Mother (CON.RL = 10) and/or a Father (CON.RL = 11). Each of those records may or may not have a Telephone Number (CON.TL). When you send a call to the "Parents of 1st Grade Students", you are sending the message to the telephone (CON.TL) of their mother and father contact.
To make these work, please make sure every student has a proper contact listed under Contacts.