The Scheduling Setup page allows the Student Scheduling (SSS) and Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) tables to be set up for scheduling during the current school year or for the next school year.

Scheduling Setup

Filter Pages by "scheduling setup" or navigate to Scheduling Process > Configurations > Scheduling Setup. 

The Scheduling Setup page is also available from category A. Setup/Config on the Scheduling Dashboard.

The Scheduling Setup Options form is divided into four areas: Scheduling Status, Data Entry, Scheduling Options, and SMS & SSS Initialization.

Scheduling Status

Under Scheduling Status, choose the correct option for your scheduling needs:  Scheduling Students into Classes for the Current School Year or Scheduling Students into Classes for the Next School Year. If you are scheduling students for the next school year you must remember to have your feeder students (i.e., pre-enrolled students) loaded into this school first. Scheduling for next year in this year’s database will use the Next Grade field and will schedule active students and students with a status tag of ‘*’ (i.e., pre-enrolled). 

Data Entry

Under Data Entry, select the method you will be using to collect course requests for students. 

If students will be inputting course requests on the Portal, choose the second option (Scanning course requests using printed course titles or Online Student data entry via pre-configured course options).

If students will not be using the Portal to select and input course requests, choose the third option (Not scanning course requests and not having students enter course requests online).

Scheduling Options

Under Scheduling Options, select the option Do NOT allow an Alternate Course Request that has already been selected as a primary or alternate request to prevent a student from requesting a course as an Alternate Course if the student already has that course as a primary or alternate course request.

SMS & SSS Initialization

If scheduling has previously been performed, the SSS and SMS tables will contain data.

When copying data from the Master Schedule (MST) into the SMS, always blank out the SMS table before copying the MST into the SMS.  For more information on how to blank out the SMS, see:  Mid Year Scheduling and Finalization.

Select which terms to copy for scheduling on the right. These choices apply to both the student classes copied and the master schedule sections copied. 

Other options:

  • Do Nothing with the SSS Table or Do Nothing with the SMS Table will leave all existing data in the two tables.
  • Selecting Blank out the SSS Table or selecting Blank out the SMS Table will delete any existing data and leave empty tables.
  • Selecting Copy Current Student Classes to SSS Table, Keep as Prescheduled will keep the students in the same sections they were in during the previous term. This function is normally used during mid-year scheduling.
  • Selecting Copy Current Student Classes as Course Requests Only will copy students’ current classes as course requests only.

Note: If the SSS table is already populated with course requests and either of the last two options are selected, a message will be displayed to indicate that the SSS table already has records in it and that selection of this option will append the new records to the existing records. If the SSS table has records in it, you will be asked to confirm if you want to continue copying the current classes to the SSS table.

The final option, Copy current master schedule (MST) table to the new SMS table will copy your school’s Master Schedule into the new Scheduling Master Schedule table. When the option is selected, more options will be displayed, allowing you to choose how to handle inactive sections in the MST. Select the appropriate option for your scheduling situation.

After all options have been selected, click the Initialize Scheduling button. The following message will display. Click the OK button to proceed.