Scheduling students for next year in the Scheduling Master is similar to the old schedule next teacher with a few additional steps.
- We need to add all of the students to a section 1st. The easiest way to do that is by grade.
- Go to your Scheduling Master Schedule or Print a Scheduling Master Schedule
- You are looking for the sections of the grade level you want to schedule.
*** Take note at the sections for Grade 1 Core. I am going to schedule all 1st grade students into the 1st section of 1110.
- You are looking for the sections of the grade level you want to schedule.
- Head on over to the Scheduling Mass Change Sections.
- Click overload button so you can schedule all 1st grade students into one section.
- Search for section 1110 and select it.
- Choose Grade 1 Students only.
- Choose your gender and then preview your select before updating it.
- Now that all of your 1st grade students are enrolled into section 1110, you can then go to the Scheduling Master and select section 1110.
- Select the students you want moved to a new teacher.
- Enter the new teachers section number and then
- move the students into that section.
- Repeat for each grade.