Step #1
Post Retentions
Retentions are students who will repeat the current grade in the next school year.
Transitional kindergarteners do not fall into this category.
Update these data elements:
- STU.NG Next grade must equal current grade
- STU.U4 Update the retention code to N
- RET.CD Update the code to R
- RET.CO Add a comment that includes your site’s name and year returning
Load and run Query0 to check the data you’ve posted
Step #2
Evaluate Next School Coding
Load and run Query1
If it is correct that the students listed in this query
-will not return to your site next year
-were enrolled until the last day of school
-do not drop from attendance! Update the data elements listed below.
Data elements:
- STU.EOY Update with the exit/withdrawal reason that best describes where the student is going.
(Populating this field will automatically add the 6/7/18 leave date in the enrollment history table.)
- STU.NS This code must be an RUSD site # or 888
- ODE.CO Add a dated note describing why the student is not returning.
Data Check:
Gather all the information you’ve collected on students who will not be returning to your site.
(This includes 5th graders who will not attend 6th grade in RUSD.)
If any names did not appear in Query1, update these same data elements and re-run Query1.
Step #3
Exit Matriculators
Load and run Query2
Students who have completed the highest grade at your site must have special exit coding.
Once you have completed Steps #1 and #2, contact the Data Center to populate this data for you.
Data element:
- STU.HSG 480 – Promoted/Matriculated
Step #4
After Steps #1 through #3 are Completed
Run this Total query to see how your data falls into place:
Returning students should have: STU.NS = your site STU.EOY = blank STU.HSG = blank
Exiting students should have: STU.NS = not your site or 888 STU.EOY = not blank STU.HSG = blank
Matriculators should have: STU.NS = your site STU.EOY = blank STU.HSG = not blank
Step #5
In the 2017-18 database:
After today, and until we start working in the 2018-19 database,
If a student you thought was returning will not be returning next year
- Update the End of Year Status (STU.EOY) (Refer to your exit/withdrawal chart)
- Update the NxtSchl code (STU.NS) This code must be an RUSD site # or 888
- Add a dated explanation of the exit in ODE (ODE.CO)
If a student you thought was leaving will not be leaving next year
- Remove the end of year status coding (STU.EOY)
- Update the NxtSchl code (STU.NS) to your site’s number
- Update or remove the explanation of the exit in ODE (ODE.CO)
In the 2018-19 database:
When you find out:
A student you thought was returning will not be returning
- Update the status tag (STU.TG) to N
- Update the Summer Withdrawal Reason (STU.SWR) Refer to your exit/withdrawal chart.
- Update the Leave Date (STU.LD) to 6/7/2018
- Update the NxtSchl code (STU.NS) This code must be an RUSD site # or 888.
- Add a dated explanation of the exit in ODE (ODE.CO)