Linking Contacts
Contact Linking connects the two frequently called phone numbers and sets them as numbers to be displayed on the contact tab of the student information bar and on various reports. These will display instead of the former mother's work and father's work phone numbers. These are linked by clicking the link icon on a particular contact and selecting the desired telephone numbers. Once the numbers are linked, any changes to the phone numbers are automatically updated.
Clicking the link icon will display a popup allowing you to select which phone numbers from the selected contact should display in the Primary 1 or Primary 2 spots. Existing links are also displayed on this popup. The description may also be edited at the time the contact is linked.
As contacts are updated, the two linked phone numbers will be automatically displayed on the Student Information Bar. The phone numbers are then copied to STU.FW, STU.FX, STU.MW, and STU.MX. Instead of the label reading Mother or Father's work, or Primary 1 or Primary 2, the label will show the description entered when linking the contact. The description is actually stored along with the contact record in the CON.C1D or CON.C2D fields, and the field to display is stored in the CON.C1F and CON.C2F fields. These four fields are not editable from the contacts page directly and are edited only by clicking the link button.